You are currently viewing 50 Funny Fish Names That Will Put a Smile on your Face

50 Funny Fish Names That Will Put a Smile on your Face

When it comes to keeping pets, some people are very creative and love thinking outside the box. And what about your aquarium, where else can it be more fun? If you are looking for funny fish names, then this is the right place for you! Here is a list of amusing fish names which will make you smile every time they are pronounced. The calm ripples and gentle movements aside, the creatures in your underwater kingdom can possess titles that tickle your ribs and add humor to your aquatic world.

  1. Fin Diesel: This fish is all about action and speed. It zips around its home like a supercharged aquatic vehicle, causing all who see it to gaze in wonder.
  2. Gill Gates: A tech-savvy fish with an urge of creating innovative underwater solutions. It’s the Bill Gates of the aquatic world, coming up with new ways of making the life of fish better.
  3. Sushi: This fish has embraced its destiny with humor. It swims around smiling because it knows that it’s the cleverest pun under water.
  4. Bubbles: A bubbly fish that brings joy to everyone who watches it playfully darting through the water, leaving a trail of bubbles in its wake.
  5. Bob Marlin: A chill and laid-back kind of fish that exemplifies reggae music and good vibes. Oceans rhythms do not have an escape from its swaying tail and dancing to ocean beats.
  6. Scaley Clarkson: A vocally diverse species known for their karaoke sessions that would put even seasoned singers to shame.
  7. Justin Finberlake: A stylish gilled dancer who could easily pass for Justin Timberlake. Michael Jackson’s moonwalk can’t hold a candle on this one either.
  8. Gill-bert Grape: A deep thinking reflective fish that often ponders about the mysteries of life, and everything from fish food to the meaning of bubbles. It is the wise philosopher in the bowl.
  9. Sir Swims-a-Lot: This fish never seems to rest as it constantly embodies an explorer’s spirit, moving around everywhere over its watery habitat.
  10. Nemo: Well, you can’t resist the classic humor in naming a clownfish “Nemo.” Just make sure it doesn’t get lost in the anemones!
  11. Dory: Named after the forgetful fish from “Finding Nemo,” this fish might not remember where it swam two seconds ago, but it sure keeps everyone entertained.
  12. Flounder: A loyal and slightly goofy companion, this fish is named after the iconic character from “The Little Mermaid.” It’s always there to lend an awkward but endearing fin.
  13. Swim Shady: A mysterious and enigmatic fish that prefers the shadows. It’s the master of stealth, gliding through the water with a fishy swagger.
  14. Captain Crunch: A fearless explorer of the high seas of the fish tank, this fish takes its role as captain seriously. It’s always ready for an underwater adventure.
  15. Finny McFinface: A very self-aware creature with a funny name attached—this one has embraced its ‘McFinface’ identity without shame and living life to the fullest.
  16. James Pond: A sophisticated fellow that could easily pass for a spy; his swimming technique is highly precise just like he was on a secret mission.
  17. Fintastic Voyage: This fish is always on a journey under the sea, constantly exploring its watery world with awe and wonder.
  18. Tuna Turner: This fish is like a rock star in the tank, producing melodies that are so sweet that even seahorses cannot resist tapping their tails to the rhythm.
  19. Guppy Longstocking: It has such radiant and extravagant fins that this fish could be called an aquatic version of Pippi Longstocking. It brings thrill into the aquarium.
  20. Sir Flips-a-Lot: This fish is quite an acrobat! The flips and twists it performs often leave everybody clapping inside their bubbles.
  21. Gills Nye the Fish Guy: A fish whose purpose is scientific discovery and exploration. He is just like Bill Nye of the aquarium whose mission is to educate his fellow water creatures about their environment.
  22. Scales Force One: A fish with a daring spirit which loves adventure, always ready to explore new territories and navigate through uncharted waters.
  23. Oscar the Grouch: A funny name for the fish that might not appreciate bubbly talk but adds some comic relief to our tanks.
  24. Swimothy: Combining “swim” and “Timothy” in its name, this fish appears friendly and warm enough to be your go-to buddy in a tank.
  25. Gill-Bert Einstein: Always having philosophical ideas on his mind and contemplating about life as a tropical fish; he stands out among all others as the genius of all living aquatic species.
  26. Darth Baiter: A fish with a dark side that prefers hiding in corners with sinister motives towards taking over sooner or later.
  27. Fishy McFishface: Embracing its piscine heritage with humor and style, this witty fish name never fails to bring a smile on someone’s face whenever it is mentioned.
  28. Karl Finger: A sophisticated and intelligent fish that has a penchant for deep philosophical discussions on the complexities of life below water.
  29. Gilligan: This fish gets into lots of predicaments to create funny situations; indeed, it could have its own underwater sitcom.
  30. Codzilla: It doesn’t destroy cities but in terms of personality, this fish is definitely the Godzilla of the aquarium.
  31. Wanda: In a one-fish fish tank, Wanda is the star of the show. It loves being the only thing in spotlight and cherishes attention from others.
  32. Swimmer Swift: Hilarious name for a fish, Swimmer Swift makes them so swift that you would confuse him with a dancer in an underwater stage.
  33. Fintastico: With an Italian flair and an affinity for all things fabulous, this fish adds a touch of Mediterranean charm to the tank.
  34. Flapjack: A fish that’s all about the pancakes—or at least, the aquatic version of them. It enjoys flipping around and creating tiny ripples in the water.
  35. Gill-iam Shakespeare: A true wordsmith of the fish tank, this fish crafts poetic verses and dramatic monologues that keep the entire underwater community entertained.
  36. Bubble Trouble: With a mischievous streak, this fish enjoys creating playful bubbles and keeping its fellow tankmates on their fins.
  37. Finley Cooper: This fish’s full name exudes a sense of sophistication and charm, making it a standout in any aquatic gathering.
  38. Sir Hops-a-Lot: For a fish that can’t resist hopping and jumping, this name captures its energetic and bouncy personality.
  39. Swimona Lisa: This fish has an enigmatic and mysterious aura, leaving everyone pondering the secrets behind its Mona Lisa-like expression.
  40. Koi King: A majestic and regal fish that rules over the tank with grace and poise, commanding the respect of all its underwater subjects.
  41. Flippin’ Awesome: With a confident attitude and a knack for acrobatics, this fish lives up to its name by always wowing its audience.
  42. Gill Clinton: A fish with a talent for diplomacy and negotiation, it navigates the complexities of the tank’s politics with finesse.
  43. Gilly Wonka: A fish that’s all about whimsical surprises and underwater adventures, it’s the golden ticket holder to the ultimate fishy fun.
  44. Snappy McSnapper: With a snappy and sassy attitude, this fish isn’t afraid to express its opinions—usually through a quick nip.
  45. Finny Kravitz: A fish with rockstar swagger and a sense of rebellion, it’s the Lenny Kravitz of the aquatic stage.
  46. Picasso: Named after the iconic artist, this fish flaunts vibrant and abstract patterns that could rival any masterpiece.
  47. Finja Warrior: A warrior at heart, this fish is always ready to defend its territory and stand up for its aquatic comrades.
  48. Wiggles: With an infectious and perpetual wiggle in its swim, this fish brings a sense of joy and lightheartedness to the tank.
  49. Paddle Finn: A fish that takes its time to navigate the currents, using its fin like a paddle to glide gracefully through the water.
  50. Fishy McSquishy: This fish is known for its cuddly and squishy appearance, making everyone want to give it an underwater hug.

So there you have it—50 funny fish names that are sure to bring smiles and laughter to your aquatic companions!

You might want to read an interesting discussion about fun names on reddit. In the watery realm where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, this page offers a splash of laughter that ripples through the tranquility of your tank. Each fish name carries a tale, a personality, and a wink of humor that mirrors the vibrancy of underwater life itself. So, whether you’re naming a feisty fighter, a laid-back flapper, or a curious explorer, remember that a funny name is more than just a label—it’s an invitation to share smiles with friends and family, all while creating a memorable and lighthearted aquatic experience.

List of Some More Unique Fish Names

Choosing the perfect name for your new fish can be a fun but daunting task. Whether you have a graceful betta, a colorful guppy, or a serene goldfish, the name you choose adds a personal touch to your aquarium and can reflect your fish’s unique character and appearance. In this section, we present a curated list of some unique fish names to inspire your choice, along with tips on how to select the perfect name for your aquatic friend.

Why Unique Names? Unique names can make your fish stand out and can add a touch of personality to your aquarium. They can also reflect the specific traits or colors of your fish, making the naming process both personal and creative.

List of Unique Fish Names

  1. Aqua Azul – Perfect for a fish with brilliant blue coloring.
  2. Citrine – Inspired by the lemon-yellow color, ideal for vibrant fish.
  3. Marina Mist – A poetic name for a serene or gentle fish.
  4. Neptune’s Glow – Suitable for fish with a mystical or iridescent appearance.
  5. Orion – A stellar choice for a fish with a striking pattern resembling constellations.
  6. Pepperfin – A playful name for a fish with spots or speckles.
  7. Ruby Ripple – Great for a red-hued fish with a dynamic personality.
  8. Sapphire – Evocative of deep blue waters, perfect for a dark blue fish.
  9. Tango – A fun, lively name for an energetic fish.
  10. Zephyr – A light and breezy name for a fish that glides smoothly through the water.

Tips for Choosing the Right Name

  • Observe Your Fish: Spend some time watching your fish. Their behavior, movements, and distinctive markings can inspire the perfect name.
  • Consider the Species: The species of your fish might influence its name. For example, exotic names for tropical fish, or majestic ones for larger species like oscars or arowanas.
  • Be Playful: Don’t be afraid to use puns or humorous names. Fish names like “Gillbert” or “Finley” are always in good fun.
  • Ask Friends or Family: Sometimes, getting a fresh perspective can help. Ask your friends or family what they would name the fish.

Choosing a name for your fish is one of the many joys of fishkeeping. By selecting a unique name, you celebrate the individuality of your new pet and enhance your connection to your aquarium.

Names for Fish Pairs

If you’re the proud owner of a pair of fish, naming them can double the fun! Here are some charming and clever names designed for fish duos, whether they are inseparable friends or just tank mates.

  1. Bubble and Squeak – Perfect for two playful fish that are always on the move.
  2. Castor and Pollux – Named after the twin brothers of Greek mythology, ideal for a pair of fish that seem to mirror each other in behavior and looks.
  3. Flotsam and Jetsam – A whimsical choice for mischievous or tricky fish pairs.
  4. Pebble and Stone – Great for fish that always stick together, providing a solid, unbreakable vibe.
  5. Romeo and Juliet – For a pair of fish that are always side by side, much like the infamous romantic duo.
  6. Salt and Pepper – Suitable for two fish that have contrasting colors, yet complement each other perfectly.
  7. Sonny and Cher – A throwback pair for fish that display a harmonious yet contrasting demeanor.
  8. Thunder and Lightning – Ideal for a dynamic duo with strong, vibrant personalities.
  9. Yin and Yang – Reflects balance and harmony, perfect for two fish that balance each other out.
  10. Zig and Zag – For a pair of fish that never seem to swim in a straight line, always darting back and forth.

Choosing Names for Your Fish Pair 

When selecting names for your fish pair, consider their interactions and how they complement each other in your aquarium. Names can reflect their personalities, appearances, or the dynamics of their relationship. Whether it’s a playful, poetic, or thematic approach, the right names can add even more enjoyment to watching your aquatic pets thrive together.

Naming a pair of fish offers a unique opportunity to reflect on the special bond these creatures can share. With the above suggestions, you can help your readers find just the right names that encapsulate the essence of their fishy friends’ relationship. Remember, the names we choose for our pets can add a layer of fun and connection to our hobby of fishkeeping.

Betta Fish Names

Betta fish, with their vivid colors and dramatic personalities, are captivating pets. The names we choose for them can reflect their bold characteristics and beauty. Below are separate lists of unique names for male and female Betta fish, designed to complement their elegance and vivacity.

Male Betta Fish Names

  1. Blaze – Perfect for a Betta with fiery colors or a spirited personality.
  2. Cosmo – For a Betta whose scales shimmer like the night sky.
  3. Orion – Majestic and bold, suited for a Betta with a strong presence.
  4. Kai – Meaning ‘sea’ in Hawaiian, ideal for a fish with deep, blue hues.
  5. Vega – Named after a bright star, for a Betta that stands out in your tank.

Female Betta Fish Names

  1. Duchess – Regal and commanding, perfect for a dominant female Betta.
  2. Electra – Suitable for a Betta with vibrant, electric colors.
  3. Jewel – Reflecting the gem-like quality of her colors.
  4. Siren – Capturing the mythical allure and beauty of your Betta.
  5. Nirvana – For a Betta that brings peace and beauty to her surroundings.

Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Betta Fish 

Consider your Betta’s coloration, behavior, and even your own personal interests when selecting a name. Betta fish are known for their unique personalities, which can inspire names based on their specific actions and traits. For instance, a Betta who likes to assert dominance might be named “Empress” or “King,” depending on their gender.

The act of naming your Betta fish is an opportunity to express your creativity and enhance your connection with your aquatic pet. Whether inspired by their vibrant colors, dynamic personality, or the stories you associate with them, each name holds significance. Choose a name that reflects the unique essence of your Betta.

Want More Creative Siamese Fighting Fish Names?

Siamese fighting fish, also known as Betta fish, are known for their vibrant colors and feisty personalities. Here are some more creative names that capture their unique charm:

  1. Samurai
  2. Ninja
  3. Blaze
  4. Ruby
  5. Zephyr
  6. Shadow
  7. Flash
  8. Aurora
  9. Ember
  10. Phoenix
  11. Mystique
  12. Comet
  13. Thunder
  14. Gem
  15. Luna
  16. Storm
  17. Jade
  18. Spark
  19. Tango
  20. Neon

These names reflect the striking appearance and dynamic nature of Siamese fighting fish, making them perfect choices for your aquatic companion.

Weird and Wacky Fish Names

If you’re looking for some truly unique and offbeat names for your fish, here are some weird and wacky options that will stand out:

  1. Squigglefin
  2. Blubblenose
  3. Wobbletide
  4. Fizzgill
  5. Zigzag
  6. Quirkfish
  7. Slinky
  8. Whiskernoodle
  9. Puddlejumper
  10. Fluffernutter
  11. Giggles
  12. Bubbletrout
  13. Snorkel
  14. Gobbles
  15. Flimflam
  16. Spazzy
  17. Wiggles
  18. Quibble
  19. Waddlefin
  20. Jabberjaw

These quirky names are perfect for giving your fish a distinctive identity that’s sure to make everyone smile!

Names to Name a Goldfish

Goldfish are cherished for their bright colors and peaceful demeanor, making them a popular choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. Choosing a name for your goldfish can be a delightful aspect of pet ownership. Here are some cute names for your shimmering friend:

  1. Sunny – Reflective of their bright, golden appearance.
  2. Marigold – After the vibrant, golden flower, perfect for a goldfish’s rich color.
  3. Glimmer – For a goldfish whose scales catch the light beautifully.
  4. Bubbles – A fun and common name that suits the playful nature of goldfish.
  5. Goldie – A classic name that remains a favorite for its direct reference to their color.
  6. Nugget – A cute nod to their precious, golden appearance.
  7. Aurum – The Latin word for gold, ideal for a regal or particularly shiny goldfish.
  8. Cleo – Short for Cleopatra, a name suited for a goldfish with a queenly attitude.
  9. Wanda – A playful choice, inspired by the famous fish from the movie “A Fish Called Wanda.”
  10. Spark – For a goldfish that brings a spark of joy to your tank.

Choosing the Right Name for Your Goldfish

When selecting a name for your goldfish, consider their characteristics such as color, behavior, and personality. Goldfish often have a calm demeanor, but many are also quite curious and playful, which can inspire a range of names.

Funny Scientific Fish Names

Scientific names of fish can often sound quite formal and intimidating, but who says they can’t be fun too? Adding a touch of humor to these names can make them more memorable and enjoyable. Let’s look at some funny scientific fish names that will bring a smile to your face and a laugh to your lips. Whether you’re a fish enthusiast or just someone who loves a good joke, these names are sure to make a splash!

Here’s a list of interesting scientific fish names that blend the formality of taxonomy with a playful twist:

  1. Guppy McGupperson (Poecilia reticulata)
  2. Wiggly Waggler (Paracheirodon innesi, aka Neon Tetra)
  3. Slimy McSlitherson (Anguilla anguilla, aka European Eel)
  4. Finny McFinface (Pterophyllum scalare, aka Angelfish)
  5. Bubbly Blubberfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis, aka Green Spotted Puffer)
  6. Splashy McSplasherson (Betta splendens, aka Betta Fish)
  7. Scaly McScales (Cyprinus carpio, aka Common Carp)
  8. Shiny McShimmer (Carassius auratus, aka Goldfish)
  9. Jumpy McJumper (Hypostomus plecostomus, aka Plecostomus)
  10. Whiskery Whiskerson (Corydoras paleatus, aka Peppered Corydoras)

These names take the scientific essence of each fish and give it a humorous spin, making learning about fish species a fun and engaging experience. Whether you’re naming your new pet fish or just looking for a good laugh, these names are sure to delight!

Funny Fish Species Names

Fish species names can often be quite serious, but there’s always room for a little humor. Here are some amusing fish species names that will make you smile and perhaps even giggle:

  1. Boops boops (Commonly known as the bogue)
  2. Hippocampus abdominalis (Big-belly seahorse)
  3. Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod, aka “Fishy McFishface”)
  4. Acanthurus coeruleus (Blue tang, aka “Dory’s cousin”)
  5. Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon, aka “The Leaper”)
  6. Epibulus insidiator (Slingjaw wrasse, aka “Mr. Stretch”)
  7. Tetraodon nigroviridis (Green spotted puffer, aka “Puff Daddy”)
  8. Batrachomoeus trispinosus (Three-spined frogfish, aka “Froggy Fish”)
  9. Pterois volitans (Red lionfish, aka “Stripey Spikes”)
  10. Mola mola (Ocean sunfish, aka “Flatty McFlatface”)
  11. Chaetodon auriga (Threadfin butterflyfish, aka “Butterfly of the Sea“)
  12. Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed sunfish, aka “Sunny Delight”)
  13. Oxymonacanthus longirostris (Harlequin filefish, aka “The Jester”)
  14. Sphoeroides nephelus (Southern pufferfish, aka “Puffy Pufferson”)
  15. Rhincodon typus (Whale shark, aka “The Gentle Giant”)

These fish species names bring a light-hearted twist to the often complex world of ichthyology. Whether you’re a fish enthusiast or just looking for a laugh, these names are sure to entertain!

Fin-tastic Fish Puns

Fish puns are a reel-y fun way to bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re trying to make your friends laugh or just love a good play on words, these fin-tastic fish puns are sure to be a hit:

  1. What did the fish say when it hit the wall? Dam!
  2. Why don’t fish play piano? Because you can’t tuna fish!
  3. What’s a fish’s favorite musical instrument? The bass guitar.
  4. How do fish get high? Seaweed.
  5. What did the magician say to the fisherman? Pick a cod, any cod!
  6. What do you call a fish with no eyes? Fsh.
  7. Why are fish so smart? Because they live in schools.
  8. What did the fish say to the shrimp? Stop being so shellfish!
  9. Why don’t fish like basketball? They’re afraid of the net.
  10. What do fish use to get high? Seaweed.
  11. Why do fish always know how much they weigh? Because they have their own scales.
  12. What do you call a fish who practices medicine? A sturgeon.
  13. Why did the fish blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom.
  14. How do shellfish take photos? With their clam-era.
  15. What kind of fish goes great with peanut butter? Jellyfish.

These puns are perfect for any occasion, whether you’re sharing a laugh with friends or adding a bit of humor to your day. Keep swimming in the sea of puns, and you’ll always have a good time!

Creative Blue Fish Names

Naming a blue fish can be a fun way to highlight its vibrant color and unique personality. Here are some creative blue fish names to consider:

  1. Bluebell
  2. Azure
  3. Cobalt
  4. Indigo
  5. Sapphire
  6. Cerulean
  7. Blueberry
  8. Aqua
  9. Skye
  10. Ocean
  11. Neptune
  12. Bluey
  13. Teal
  14. Bubbles
  15. Blue Lagoon
  16. Bluestar
  17. Marine
  18. Wave
  19. Mystic Blue
  20. Blue Moon

These names are inspired by various shades of blue and elements associated with the color, making them perfect for your finned friend!

Conclusion: The Joy of Naming your Pet

Naming your fish can be a delightful and humorous experience, bringing a touch of personality and fun to your aquarium. From puns to wacky and whimsical choices, naming your pet adds an extra layer of enjoyment to your fish-keeping adventure. Whether you opt for a name that highlights your fish’s vibrant color, unique behavior, or simply makes you chuckle every time you say it, the possibilities are endless.